This tweet from @zamoose really got me thinking about putting together a very sassy version of _s:

Check out th_s

Notable changes:

  • Grunt awesomeness (Autoprefixer FTW)
  • Stylesheet broken up into sections as laid out in the index
  • Normalize instead of reset (easy to include both as a choice to the devs)

Comboing editor and post styles

I’m still chewing on how I want to combo the editor and post styles without getting too crazy.


  • using the heck out of placeholder classes like, %h1, and @extends simply nesting the editor
  • styles by importing and nesting it in a post class (kinda janky): .post {@import 'editor-style.scss'}
  •  fancy sass script maps (probably too crazy)

Any suggestions on ways to make this sucker extra slick?


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