blog. to .blog

I’m super excited to finally ditch my old blog address for something a bit nicer. Thanks to my generous employer, I now am the super proud owner of I went through the process of setting up the domain on and I have to say, it was pretty dang slick. I moved all my content over via the importer (a little rough) and it’s now ready to go.

But what about old links?

Well, after a bit of googling, I found a plugin call Redirection by Automattic‘s own John Godley (I love it when my coworkers have already made the tool I need). It took some time, but after reading his instructions, I found it to be fairly simple to set up. Now it will redirect any links to my old site right on over to my new site. Pretty spiffy! Thanks John!

.blog everything

I also picked up a few other .blog addresses here and there including one for my pup (yeah I’m that guy). There are tons of sweet .blog domains available. Go get one!

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