Two weeks in Seattle

tl;dr Seattle is a pretty cool city. A few of us designers at Automattic (and a Happiness Engineer) went to An Event Apart Seattle. I ended up staying two weeks total and had an amazing time. Here are some photo highlights. P.S. We’re hiring.


This tweet from @zamoose really got me thinking about putting together a very sassy version of _s: Check out th_s Notable changes: Grunt awesomeness (Autoprefixer FTW) Stylesheet broken up into sections as laid out in the index Normalize instead of reset (easy to include both as a choice to the devs) Comboing editor and post… Continue reading th_s (THUNDERSCORES!)


I set up my own URL shortener last night powered by YOURLS. I know I could use or any range of other services, but I like the ability to have my own self-hosted shortener with as much customization as I please. I can nab neat analytics and integrate it with my blogs fairly easily.… Continue reading YOURLS

What I wish I’d known when I started web design

My teacher, David Bieloh, asked me to put together some advice and it I ended up writing this behemoth. Below is a bit of useful information I’ve picked up along the way. You’ve probably heard some or much of it before. But before you start reading through my rambling, stop reading this right now. Go purchase… Continue reading What I wish I’d known when I started web design