Farewell, Automattic

I started at Automattic seven years ago. When I started, there were around 200 total Automatticians. Woo was a separate company. Jetpack had no paid features yet. Tumblr was just acquired by Yahoo. We were still using IRC and Skype. There were twenty people in the design channel. My first day on the job was… Continue reading Farewell, Automattic

Categorized as WordPress

My Gutenberg setup

Sometimes, the simplest solution is the simplest solution. In this case, I’ve tried just about every popular development setup for WordPress. MAMP is still the winner. I had been using the WordPress docker environment that is available when working on the Gutenberg project. It’s mostly reliable, but makes my computer fan really tired. If you’re… Continue reading My Gutenberg setup

Kirk is here!

This latest update is a major upgrade to the block editing experience. Check out all the details here:

Categorized as WordPress